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Milada squatter’s announcement about the events of 16.10.08 To clarify all disinformation that emerged in the media and within our “sympathysants”, we decided to summarize the event ourselves.
So: around 9am arrives several clerks from the city hall office and ÚIV (office for information and education – owner of the land the officially non-existent Milada is standing on), accompanied by three police cars. After a while a waste-container truck arrives and hired workers start to clean the area around the Building: we are told that city hall called upon the land owner to clean out “his” parcel because of complaints of neighbours. We point out that we, inhabitants of the House, were not contacted about this matter by anybody. It would be enough to send us an e-mail (our address is displayed at our web-pages, and arrange the date of clean up. There are enough of us to fill the waste container in no time, which, by the way, we have done several times in the past, at our own expense. On top of that, one ÚIV employee’s behaviour was outrageous. After refusing to introduce herself several times, she commanded assisting police officers and forced clean-up company employees to load our personal belongings. Also, chairs and table standing in the garden were treated as a waste by her. A misinformation campaign against Milada in tabloid newspaper Blesk (which tries to portrait us as a group of drug addicts, systematically terrorising neighbours), unusually frequent police visits and another info from various sources led to our risen attention in the last few days, and seeing several police cars in front of the squat, we were afraid an eviction attempt is going on. We published this information, along with a plea for help on our web pages, and sent it to our long-term supporters. In following three hours, about a hundred of our supporters arrived, sadly most of them after the police and white-collars left, so we had to call it a false alarm. Also on site appeared a surprisingly high amount of journalists.
In conclusion, we would like to thank all our friends for their solidarity. We would also like to ask the landowner and the officials to resolve possible future problems directly with us, or at least inform us that any problems occurred. We would thus avoid any further complications.